Fitness is More Than Physical

 Are you a balanced and healthy version of fitness?  fotolia © gustavofrazao Many people are focused on physical fitness to the point of causing an imbalance in their  emotional fitness.  Perhaps you know of someone who is killing themselves at the gym every  day, obsessively working out and depriving themselves of desirable foods in order to  transform their body into one that is considered socially accepted. They may reject their...

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Aligned and Naturally Centered

As we roll into a new year many people spend time reviewing the past year and looking at ways to improve themselves and their lives. New Year’s resolutions are proclaimed and vows made to do things differently next year. January first starts off with drastic changes and steely determination only to have that determination dissolved in a few days and old habits once again ruling the day. Working to make drastic changes usually results in...

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Self Hypnosis

  Hypnosis is a powerful method to make permanent changes in one’s life. yet a majority of people do not know that they can easily use self-hypnosis. Maybe because they don;t know much about it. So let’s take a minute to demystify hypnosis by first taking a look at what hypnosis is. For the sake of brevity, I’ll defer to FIH Fundamentals of Hypnotism manual’s general working definition: “A natural, yet altered state of mind...

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Living With an Open Heart

I’ve been thinking alot lately about what it means to live with an open heart and I’ve decided that like most things. what it means to me is not necessarily what it means to someone else. So for me, living with an open heart means living my life without judgement, at least as much as I consciously can live without judgement. I am after all, still human, and subject to all the ego-based things that go along with the human...

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The Power of Intention

An important component to any hypnosis session, whether it is for a regression or for programming, is to first establish the intention for the session. Setting an intention puts the subconscious on notice that it’s cooperation is needed. After all, hypnosis is a phenomenon of cooperation, both with the client, and the client’s subconscious. The intention is really the first step in the process of change. Your intention is...

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Past Life Regression Hypnotherapy Brings Self Awareness

Past Life Regression is a great way to gain perspective on special talents, or interests and can to help to transform deep personal issues that may be impacting your life in unproductive ways. Patterns and themes from the past life are uncovered and many times, the idea of karma needing to be worked out is also uncovered. Many people believe karma is Universal balancing, and that the purpose of life is to work karma out, or repay it somehow. ...

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