
Trust can be strong or fragile. It’s one of those intangible things that slips out of your grasp like quicksilver if you try to define it. It’s a feeling, a knowing, a certainty at times and a mystery as well. It is certainly not one size fits all. Sometimes you feel like you can trust someone right away, and others it take so long before you do. Trust is hard to obtain at times, and yet, so easily lost. And once lost, not ever really...

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You have to have faith, right? We’ve all heard that. But what is it that you have faith in? Yourself? God? The Divine? The Universe? Your family? Friends? Co-workers or business associates? Maybe all of the above? Or for some, none of the above. Which is disheartening. Faith is a powerful force. And I believe that we need to use our power for good. Therefore a lack of faith or faith in lack, serves no purpose. You’re going to...

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